Creation of Various Computer Games

When developing computer games we ensure that the game will be popular, have a high rating and well sold.
Below there are the factors contributing to your success resultant from your cooperation with our company:
- It is unparalleled
The game will be different from the existing games. The distinction is achieved both due to using an unconventional idea and plot underlying the game and due to innovative approach to the graphic design and/or gameplay.
- Gamer engagement – it is impossible to tear away
The game will involve the gamers and keep them engaged, they will play up to the end and ask for continuation. In the case of a casual game, the gamer will want to play again and again.
- Perfect Implementation
We have an opportunity to involve the best human, software and technical resources in the development of a game. It enables achieving the perfect condition of the end product. That concerns both its technical (software) characteristics and graphics and sound.
- Usability
You will obtain a usable product. Usability concerns both executive system, functionality, game interface, graphics etc.
- Fair Testing
Our company pays particular attention to testing, because it enables elimination of omissions made (that are unavoidable in large scale projects). The customer obtains the product that can be immediately put on sale
- To be continued
Our company is ready to develop and produce adds-on: new missions, new levels, new options.
- Promotion
Our help in promotion contributes to your success. We ensure the product promotion in all network formats.
«Kvant program» — is among the few Russian companies engaged in “turn the key” development of handheld games. We deal with all the stages of the production process, produce games of any genre and complexity. The complexity implies both the graphics and gameplay.
We develop games for all handheld devices available on the market as well as for games consoles.
The development of handheld games includes:
- Development/follow-up of the concept: targeting the demand and popularity
You may have a perfect concept of a game. In this case we can do the follow-up, turn it into a plot and then into a full-featured scenario. If you do not have any concepts, our specialists will offer their own options based on the demand-supply analysis and on the recent trends in the computer gaming industry.
- Pre-production: the design document is OK
At this stage we will offer you a design document depicting in detail the concept and gameplay. It also includes concept-arts and sketches of various game episodes. If requested, we can include in the document a selected game engine and functioning prototypes. While you are going through the design document, programmers and graphic designer are creating the initial prototypes. This will let you see and assess certain capabilities and peculiarities of the future game. At the preproduction stage the development of the game outline can also be made. After the design document and the prototypes have been improved, we proceed to the next stage – production.
- Development of the first level: the idea becomes a hit
Our company focuses on the development of the first level because this is the most critical production stage. At the first level the concept and all the previous developments are thrown in at the deep end and the complete and distinct vision of the product is build up. The next levels of the game are similar in terms of design and software. At this stage a good idea is turned into a hit game.
- Further production: still better and better
The programmers create the source code, writers create dialogues and narrations, graphic designers create graphics, level designers develop game levels, sound engineers select sound effects. At the same time we continue working on the overall product improvement, do editing that will ensure successful promotion of the product on the market. We keep the customer aware of all the changes and amendments made.
- Testing: polishing it up
Testing helps both even the product out and polish it up. We use various testing options. In addition to our internal staff we involve professional outsourced testers and beta-testers – i.e. gamers interested in the product improvement.
- Releasing adds-on (optional): for the game to continue forever
Our company can develop and release any add-on for the handheld game. This can include new maps, levels, missions, functionality and various elements of the game — costumes, weapons, traffic means etc. Adds-on are needed to keep the users interested in the game as well as a marketing ploy. Releasing an add-on is a good reason to draw attention to our product.
Within the framework of the service «Development of handheld games» we will do the following free of charge:
- Hold preliminary consultations
- Perform the development/follow-up of the main concept
- Draw up a design document
- Make a preliminary analysis of the targeted audience
- Develop “Easter egg” options (in computer software and media, an Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden messageor image, or secret feature of a work. It is usually found in a computer program, video gameto show diversity of the gameplay, create a viral effect or for advertising purposes).
«Kvant program» treats mobile game creation as an art. Nevertheless we pay a lot of attention to technical aspects. This is the only way to achieve the required result i.e. create a game that will be popular with the users and ensure a steady profit to its owner. We develop games of different genres — action, strategic, shooters, puzzles, casual games, RPG etc. for any OS of mobile devices: Android, iOS, Windows Phone and others.
Our strong points are:
- Graphics: eye catching and balanced
The graphics of the game you will have will be eye catching, vivid, balanced. It complements the rest of the game and either creates an atmosphere or emphasizes the agility of the game and is easy on the eyes.
Moreover, the graphics has an impact on the game usability. You must have come across something that looks well but is inconvenient to use. We can find a balance between the interface aesthetics and convenience.
- Gameplay: users are sure to be engaged
The mobile game will have the users spellbound. This is possible due to well-planned gameplay, well-designed game mechanics, skillfully selected game functions, exciting plot and other factors that make up what is called “gameplay”
- Convenience : all buttons are within your easy reach
The game we develop for you will have a high usability. The buttons will be placed where the user would naturally prefer to put his or her finger on with no detriment to the graphics. Thesameconcernsthesettings. Anyuserwillquickly sort them out.
- Technical specifics: concise and correct
The game will take up minimum space in the mobile device memory (taking into consideration the rest of the memory characteristics), and will not interfere with the operation of the software.
The game will work properly on all versions of all operating systems. This will contribute to the increase of the game popularity and save the trouble of spending money on bug patches
- Releasing adds-on (optional): increasing the profit
To draw new users’ attention to the game and to increase the profit, we are ready to release various adds-on to the game. They may include new levels, new versions, new types of hero capacities, new costumes, weapons etc.
- Promotion (optional): a good start — a good continuation
In order to increase the users’ demand for the game, it is necessary to attract more potential users’ attention to the game. Our company undertakes to:
- spread information about the game;
- draw attention to the game.
Developing games for social networks, we focus on the user interest. This approach pays off: if there is interest, there is demand and consequently there is profit (by profit we understand an advertising and marketing effect, if the game is a tool for promoting goods, services, a company). Besides, we include the viral effect in the game product from the very beginning — users involve in the game their friends and therefore become its distributors.
The service «Development of games for social networks» includes:
- Concept formation: what profit you can count on.
What users can the game involve? How large is its targeted audience? How will the game be monetized? What profit or what marketing/advertising effect can you ultimately count on? Our specialists may offer the most profitable option
- Development of sketches: what the product will look like
You will have an explicit idea what the future game will look like. Our specialists will create sketches of its heroes and levels. We focus on the graphic design of the game because it is the major factor of attraction. If the user likes the visual side of a game, he or she will certainly try to play it.
- Design brief development: things are made as clear as a bell
At this stage you will have the concept of a game as clear as a bell ready to be put into production. The design brief, i.e. in the terms of reference, will contain all the peculiarities related to a game development. This will be a guidance for us. At the same time, it will provide you with an opportunity to monitor and control the production process.
- Game production: almost ready
This is the longest and most crucial stage that will result in a fully-featured game product. Nevertheless there is an important stage to come – testing – before the game is launched
- Testing: clearing errors, polishing up
When this stage is over, you will have a game in which all possible bugs and errors have been cleared. Based on the testing results, our specialists can make corrections regarding the gameplay and graphics. It is necessary for the game to gain the most positive user appraisal. All this is done after being agreed with the customer
- Promotion (optional): developing the strategy of success
For the game to become popular, it is necessary to give it a boost. We are ready to develop an effective strategy of the game launch on the market and implement it
- Releasing adds-on (optional): the game turns into a series
We are ready to develop any kind of adds-on to the game. They may include new levels, maps, missions, options and functions, game elements (weapons, traffic means, costumes, armor) that are distributed free of charge or on a paid basis.
- Maintenance (optional): ensuring smooth operation of a complicated product
If a game has a very high level of complexity, it may need constant maintenance i.e. support that implies not occasional troubleshooting but regular activities aimed at operability assurance. We are ready to be responsible for this task.